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101+ Must-Know Travel Facts & Statistics for 2023

Most people love traveling, be it for a quick weekend getaway or a couple of months discovering a new country - and for good reason.

Traveling gives you a chance to step out of your comfort zone, see the world from a different perspective, and unwind and reconnect with yourself.

One thing you may not know about traveling, though, is that it’s also a trillion-dollar industry, employing 10% of all Americans today.

This means our lives are very much connected to traveling, in more ways than one.

With that in mind, we thought we’d offer you a closer look into traveling by putting together 100+ travel facts and statistics that show just how crazy the world of travel is in 2023!

Let’s get to it!

Top 15 Most Interesting Travel Statistics and Facts in 2023

To get the ball rolling, let’s start with some of the most fascinating travel facts and statistics that are sure to pique your curiosity:

  1. 2022 saw an increase in the amount of money Americans were willing to spend on travel. (Source: Expedia)
  2. 15% Americans were open to splurging on hotel room upgrades and flight upgrades in 2022. (Source: Expedia)
  3. At 18 hours and 50 minutes, the longest nonstop commercial flight in the world is from New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to Singapore's Changi Airport (SIN). (Source: The Points Guy)
  4. The travel industry still hasn’t completely recovered from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is evident from the fact that international tourist arrivals in May 2022 are 54% lower compared to May 2019. (Source: UNWTO)
  5. Hotel demands saw a 9% rise in January 2022 compared to the same time last year. (Source: US Travel)
  6. According to Statista, 81% of global travelers believe that sustainable travel is important for the world.
  7. Airbnb, the home-sharing platform used by travelers worldwide saw a 55% increase in total bookings in 2021, compared to 2022. They reported a total of 300 million bookings. (Source: Statista)
  8. France remains the most visited country in the world, reporting 89.4 million tourists annually. Spain (82.7M) and the United States (79.6M) come second and third respectively. (Source: Statista)
  9. The shortest flight in the world is a 1 minute 14-second connecting flight between Westray and Papa Westray in Scotland’s Orkney Islands. (Source: Scotland.org)
  10. Want to travel back to the year 2015? Just travel to Ethiopia! The East-African nation follows a different calendar from the rest of the world, based on their religious beliefs. This calendar is 7 years behind the Gregorian calendar, which is the international standard. (Source: Ethiopian Calendar)
  11. As of Spring 2022, Paris, London, and Rome are the top 3 trending and most preferred travel destinations. (Source: Trip Advisor)
  12. Roughly 24 million people travel by train in India every day - a number that is just short of the population of Australia. (Source: IBEF)
  13. According to an Expedia survey, 59% of US travelers were more likely to travel within the country instead of, or in addition to, an international destination.
  14. 72% of Boomers reported feeling happier and more relaxed after a vacation while 67% stated that their health improved as a result of traveling. (Source: AARP Travel)
  15. Iceland is the only country in the world where pesky mosquitoes won’t bother you on your relaxing summer vacation. (Source: Business Insider)

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11 General Travel Statistics and Facts

As we already mentioned, travel plays a critical role in industries around the world, providing jobs for millions of people in hospitality and tourism and enabling businesses to grow at a global level.

At the same time, it plays a crucial role in our lives as well, be it for work or pleasure.

But what are some general travel statistics and facts to emerge in the past few years? Let’s take a look:

  1. With 301 million inbound tourists, Europe had the highest volume of inbound tourists in 2021. (Source: Statista)
  2. Only about 6% of families use a train, bus, or ship for traveling. (Source: Valuepenguin)
  3. Airbnb has 7M+ listings worldwide and it is active in approximately 98% of the world. (Source: Airbnb)
  4. Exploring new places together is the main priority for 49% of families planning to travel. (Source: Consumer Family Travel Survey)
  5. Immediate family members are the most likely travel companions of 33% of travelers. (Source: Consumer Family Travel Survey)
  6. Solo traveling has taken off among American women with 72% of them partaking in the same. (Source: Booking.com)
  7. Travelers usually tend to book accommodation and flight tickets roughly three months prior to the trip date. (Source: Google)
  8. Children born after 2010, also known as Generation Alpha, are said to show the most influence over a family’s travel plans. (Source: Short Term Rentalz)
  9. A majority of travelers say that they expect to spend more on travel than other aspects of their life such as car insurance, healthcare, etc. (Source: Expedia)
  10. International tourists visiting the United States in 2023 are estimated to spend around 118 billion dollars. (Source: US Travelers Association)
  11. As a result of rising fuel prices, the average cost of a domestic flight ticket in the United States was $300 in March 2022. This is 34% higher than in January of the same year. (Source: Bloomberg)

20 Social Media and Smartphone Use Vs Travel Statistics and Facts

Let’s be honest, if you are planning a vacation anytime soon, chances are you are going to post about it on your social media.

These days, social media is SO popular for travelers that it’s turning into the modern version of creating a travel photo book. In fact, many cities or locations have been garnering a lot of popularity lately as ‘Instagramable Travel Destinations’.

Here are some other interesting stats that show the relationship between travel and social media:

  1. About 28% of millennials prefer using social media to look for travel providers instead of travel magazines, Google, and Trip Advisor. (WeSwap)
  2. 27% of travelers use social media to learn more about their next travel destination. (Source: WebFX)
  3. Travelers also like using social media to find things to do (22%), hotels to stay at (23%), and restaurants to visit (17%). (Source: WebFX)
  4. Travel companies are more likely to respond to you on social media than emails. The average response time for large travel and hospitality companies via email is close to 27 hours, whereas, on social media platforms like Twitter, it is only 5.8 hours. (Source: Netomi)
  5. More than 40% of travelers love sharing their travel experiences and pictures on social media after returning from their vacation. (Source: WebFX)
  6. It is seen that around 70% of travelers actively share images and videos from their trips while still on vacation. (Source: WebFX)
  7. The social media and travel connection doesn’t end with a vacation. Upon returning from their trips, 46% of travelers posted a hotel review, 40% shared restaurant reviews, and 76% shared vacation photos on social networks. (Source: WebFX)
  8. 42.3% of Millennials, 43.2% of Gen-Z travelers, 34.3% of Gen X travelers, and 12,3% of Baby Boomers have admitted to feeling stressed about capturing the perfect picture for their social media platforms. (Source: Value Penguin)
  9. A whopping 84% of travelers have reported planning a trip after looking at the vacation photos of someone else on social media. (Source: APM White Paper)
  10. Social media is a huge deal for many travelers. 31% of millennial travelers consider posting vacation pictures to be just as important as the vacation itself. (Source: WeSwap)
  11. 37% of all travelers have reported being influenced by social media when it comes to selecting their travel destination. (Source: WeSwap)
  12. 29% of millennial travelers will avoid going on a recreational trip if they can’t post about it on social media. (Source: WeSwap)
  13. When traveling for leisure, 85% of travelers spend time on their smartphones while on the trip. (Source: WebFX)
  14. In 2018, 35% of all travel bookings were done on a mobile phone. (Source: WebFX)
  15. 55% of all people on vacation spend anywhere between 30 to 120 minutes on their phones every day.
  16. People from across the world love to share their travel experiences on social media apps like Instagram. Over 660 million posts shared on Instagram use the ‘#travel’ hashtag. (Source: Instagram)
  17. 74% of all American travelers are active on social media while traveling. (Source: MDGadvertising)
  18. 33% of American travelers between the ages of 18 and 34 use smartphones to book their flight tickets. (Source: Facebook IQ)
  19. ‘What looks good on social media’ is a key metric when it comes to deciding a travel destination for 45% of travelers. (Source: BankMyCell)
  20. Seeing the photos and travel updates of Facebook friends affects the travel plan of 50% of people. (Source: MDGadvertising)

10 Work Vs Travel Statistics and Facts

The recent global shift towards hybrid and remote work has led to an increased opportunity for many people to travel and work from anywhere they like.

This has given birth to some very interesting travel trends and statistics, including:

  1. According to the U.S. Travel Association, using paid time off for traveling is a priority for 84% of salaried employees.
  2. In 2020, 19% of home guests on Airbnb used their Airbnb to work remotely while traveling, (Source: Airbnb)
  3. 55% of travelers staying at an Airbnb for a long time reported to be working or attending college remotely. (Source: Airbnb)
  4. When it comes to business or work-related travel, flexibility is the top priority for 72% of travelers. (Source: Concur)
  5. In 2019, Americans made 464.4 million business trips. Out of these, 38% were for meetings and business events. (Source: US Travel Association)
  6. 1 out of 10 jobs in the United States is directly or indirectly dependent on the travel and tourism industry. (Source: US Travel Association)
  7. 59% of mega-travelers, a term used by the US Travel Association to describe Americans who use all or most of their vacation days, report being happy with their employer compared to 46% of homebodies.
  8. While only 12% of airline passengers travel for business, it contributes to 75% of the airline’s overall profits. (Source: Investopedia)
  9. A relaxing vacation is said to be great for employees as it can boost productivity and performance by up to 80%. (Source: Psychology Today)
  10. Employees who took 10 or more of their vacation days are 65.4% more likely to receive a raise. This is almost twice as much as employees who took less than 10 of their vacation days (34.6%). (Source: HBR)

25 Facts and Statistics on Travelers’ Spending Habits

It’s no secret that money makes the world go round, and if you have enough of it, it can take you around the world too.

The very first thing that most of us look at when it comes to travel is whether we have the budget for it. Everything from the travel destination to the souvenirs you bring back from the trip depends on your budget.

Here are some facts and statistics that further highlight how our travel plans are affected by our travel budgets and spending habits:

  1. Out of the different generations, Boomers are the ones who plan on spending the most on travel, with an average of $4000 to spend over the next year. (Source: Portrait of America Survey)
  2. In the spring of 2022, the average money spent by a U.S. traveler saw a year-on-year increase of 87%. (Source: Trip Advisor)
  3. Prior to the pandemic, the US Travel Association reported that the total amount spent by domestic and international travelers came out to a staggering 792.4 billion dollars.
  4. 2021 saw the average American traveler increase their travel budget by 34% compared to 2020. (Source: Expedia)
  5. $1.1 trillion is the predicted total spending for U.S. domestic and international travelers in 2022, a number that is 11.3% higher than the pre-pandemic data. (Source: WTTC)
  6. 38% of Americans are willing to give up alcohol while 43% are ready to limit eating out and takeouts in order to save money for travel. (Source: Expedia)
  7. An international traveler visiting the United States and staying there for 18 nights on average tends to spend close to $4,200 on their trip. (Source: US Travel Association)
  8. 38% of travelers prefer booking transportation and accommodation in a single transaction instead of having to do it separately. (Source: Expedia)
  9. Business travelers saved an average of $110 per night by staying at Airbnb instead of traditional hotels. (Source: Rocketrip)
  10. Solo travelers reportedly spend $1,500 every week in addition to airfare during their trips. (Source: Solo Traveler World)
  11. Vacation expenses account for 2% of the average American’s yearly budget. (Source: Valuepenguin)
  12. 62% of families on vacation tend to be skimp when it comes to shopping for souvenirs. (Source: NYU)
  13. Only 40% of domestic American travelers pay for accommodation, as most tend to stay with family or friends during their trips. (Source: Valuepenguin)
  14. Choosing to fly economy or coach instead of business class saved an average of $2,975 per round trip for business travelers. (Source: Rocketrip)
  15. Traveling to, from, and around the vacation destination takes up to 44% of the typical U.S. family’s overall travel budget. (Source: ValuePenguin)
  16. Another Valuepenguin report states that only 12% of American travelers purchase alcohol on their trips.
  17. 37% of travelers are more open to splurging on food and drinks, whereas 27% are willing to splurge on experiences, events, and festivals. (Source: WYSE Travel Confederation)
  18. Close to 68% of travelers would like to see their money reinvested in local businesses to help the local economy. (Source: Regiondo)
  19. The option to get quick and easy refunds is a priority for every one in four travelers. (Source: Expedia)
  20. 26% of American travelers with miles or reward points plan on using their points for their next vacation. (Source: Valuepenguin)
  21. The worldwide spending on leisure travel in 2021 was $2.9 trillion, which is almost $2 trillion less than in 2019 ($4.9 trillion). (Source: Statista)
  22. Travelers who book activities and experiences prior to their trip tend to spend 81% more on transportation during the trip, compared to travelers who book their destination first. (Source: Booking.com)
  23. For 47% of millennials, the cost of travel and lack of funds is the biggest barrier keeping them from traveling. (Source: AARP)
  24. 25% of all domestic travel costs and 16.2% of international travel costs go toward food. (Source: Reward Expert)
  25. Entertainment activities only take up 9% of the vacation budget of an average traveler. (Source: Valuepenguin)

10 Accommodation and Booking During Travel Statistics and Facts

From staying at luxurious hotels that offer vacation guestbooks to crashing on couches for free, accommodation while traveling comes in various forms in 2023. Regardless of where you prefer to stay during your trips, the quality of your accommodation can make or break your trip.

Let us take a look at some statistics and facts that shed light on one of the most important aspects of any trip - accommodation:

  1. Discounts on hotel rooms, a free room upgrade, and free breakfast are three of the top three reasons that make travelers book and stay for an extra night at hotels. (Source: Expedia)
  2. Airbnb reports that 77% of American travelers like having the option of canceling or changing their bookings at the last minute.
  3. 72% of travelers reported that they want to spend more time selecting their accommodations when traveling in 2022. (Source: TripAdvisor)
  4. While deciding upon and booking accommodations, 86% of travelers made use of online resources. (Source: TripAdvisor)
  5. 48% of travelers don’t mind booking accommodations via a site they have never heard of before if they trust the travel service provider. (Source: Expedia)
  6. Almost 65% of travelers are more likely to book an ‘inclusive’ accommodation. This applies to places that are owned or run by women, are welcoming of the LGBTQIA+ community, and have proper facilities for people with disabilities. (Source: Expedia)
  7. Travelers also won’t shy away from splurging on their favorite amenities. 70% of them reported that they will happily pay extra for any accommodation that has their favorite services and amenities. (Source: Expedia)
  8. When thinking about the next year, 73% of travelers want to stay in an eco-friendly or sustainable accommodation at least once. (Source: Booking.com)
  9. Hotels were the preferred accommodation option for 60% of families looking to travel. Apart from this, 21% preferred to stay in a resort and 17% were happy staying with friends and family members. (Source: Short Term Rentalz)
  10. 91% of travelers consider looking at the photos of the accommodation before booking it to be very important. (Source: Expedia)

9 Air Travel Facts and Statistics

While the fear of flying keeps 16% of Americans grounded and away from airplanes, on a global level the airline industry saw 3.7 billion (estimated) passengers take to the skies in 2022 alone.

It is safe to say that air travel is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. Airplanes are the fastest, statistically safest, and sometimes the only way of traveling between any two cities or countries.

So, let us take a closer look at some facts and statistics related  to the air travel industry:

  1. January 2022 saw an 82.3% rise in air travel (measured in revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs)) compared to January 2021. This, however, was down 4.9% compared to December 2021. (Source: IATA)
  2. According to Facebook IQ, 66% of travelers make use of online resources for finding and booking flights.
  3. 51% of travelers from the United States admitted to spending less than a week researching flights once they have made the decision to go on a trip. (Source: Facebook IQ)
  4. Business travelers have saved an average of $281 per round trip by flying with low-cost carriers. (Source: Rocketrip)
  5. At 35%, millennials are the age group that is most likely to take a flight. They are followed by boomers at 27%, Gen X at 21%, and Gen Z at 16%. (Source: Morning Consult)
  6. 36% of US travelers have shown interest in joining a subscription hotel or flight-related travel program that offers discounts or special offers on ticket bookings. (Source: Trip Advisor)
  7. The demand for domestic flights is expected to reach 93% of pre-pandemic (2019) levels in 2022. On the other hand, the demand for international flights is expected to reach 44% of pre-pandemic levels. (Source: IATA)
  8. With over 215 million passengers served annually, American Airlines is the top airline in terms of the total number of passengers. (Source: Flight Airline Business)
  9. On average, Americans spend $3,304 on flights every year. (Source: ValuePenguin)

9 Sustainable Travel Facts and Statistics

With the need for sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices growing every day, the travel and tourism industry is also slowly but steadily working towards becoming more sustainable.

Sustainability has been the primary focus of countless new innovations and trends that the industry has seen in recent years. What’s more, travelers and consumers are also increasingly growing aware of the need to be more eco-friendly.

The facts and statistics listed below show us how focusing on sustainable travel is changing the way we travel:

  1. The pandemic has turned 61% of travelers towards more sustainable ways of traveling. (Source: Booking.com)
  2. According to Booking.com’s Sustainable Travel Report of 2021, the three biggest concerns shared by travelers were:
    1. Excess waste. (46% travelers)
    2. Overcrowding popular travel destinations. (30% travelers)
    3. Threats to local flora and fauna. (36% travelers)
  3. Reportedly, 55% of all global travelers were more determined than ever to make better, more sustainable travel choices in the future. (Source: Booking.com)
  4. 72% of travelers believe that travel aggregators and travel companies should offer more sustainable options. (Source: Booking.com)
  5. During the 2021-2025 period, the sustainable travel market is said to grow by $235.21 billion. (Source: Research & Markets)
  6. 69% of travelers want to reduce their carbon footprint while traveling. (Source: Booking.com)
  7. 37% of travelers have said to be in favor of having a filter option that makes it easier for them to find sustainable travel accommodations. (Source: Avantio)
  8. Almost 45% of travelers make the conscious choice of turning off electrical appliances such as heaters and air conditioners in their accommodations, when not in use. (Source: Booking.com)
  9. 35% of travelers want travel companies to share more tips and methods that can help them be sustainable during their trips. (Source: Booking.com)


Before we wrap things up, let’s quickly go over some of the most frequently asked questions regarding travel and tourism.

#1. What are the health benefits of travel?

Traveling for leisure can provide many benefits to your health. It can help alleviate stress, boost your immunity, lower the risk of heart disease, promote physical activity, and help you stay and feel happy.

#2. What are the three main reasons why people travel?

The three main reasons for traveling are:

  1. Business or work.
  2. Leisure and relaxation.
  3. Meeting and spending time with friends or family.

#3. What’s the most popular form of accommodation for travelers?

In spite of the various forms of accommodations available today, hotels still remain the most popular and preferred form of accommodation for most travelers.

#4. What’s the most visited country and city in the world?

The most visited country in the world is France, with roughly 90 million visitors every year, and its capital Pairs, with roughly 19 million visitors is the most visited city in the world.

#5. Why is sustainable travel important?

Sustainable travel is crucial to ensure the conservation of the environment and our beloved travel destinations, while also following best practices for the benefit of local businesses and cultures.


And there you have it! 100+ travel facts and statistics to keep in mind for the next time you plan a vacation this year!

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