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Mama's Boys Unite: Survey Sheds Light on America's Most Devoted Sons

As Mother's Day (May 14th) approaches, it's time to celebrate the love and appreciation we have for our moms. While it's true that all sons adore their mothers, some men take their devotion to a whole new level, earning the title of "Mama's Boys." These are the men who can't go a day without calling their mother, who prefer their mom's cooking over their partner's, and who even take their laundry to be washed by their mom.

Curious about where in America these devoted sons reside, we conducted a survey of 3,000 respondents and used census data to pinpoint their locations. The results revealed that 29 million men, or 67% of men aged 20-39, proudly identify as "Mama's Boys."

Mississippi reigns as the top state for Mama's Boys, with an astonishing 87% of young men openly embracing the title. In contrast, Kansas takes the lead for men who are most independent from their mothers, with just 30% admitting to being closely tied to their mom's apron strings.

Our survey also uncovered some fascinating findings: over half of men prefer their mom's cooking to their partner's, and 1 in 3 women have been in a relationship with a "Mama's Boy." Surprisingly, 35% of men view being called a "Mama's Boy" as a compliment, while 27% still rely on their moms to handle their laundry. Moreover, 39% of men trust their mom's judgement more than their partner's.

The bond between a mother and her child is unique and powerful. It's heartwarming to see that many men continue to cherish and honor this special connection. As the adage goes, you can tell what kind of partner or husband a man will be by how he treats his mother. So, let's celebrate the Mama's Boys this Mother's Day and appreciate the love and devotion they have for the incredible women who raised them.

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