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How To Host a Dadchelor Party to Celebrate the Soon-To-Be-Dad

A mom-to-be can count on a baby shower to help garner support and also give her guidance for what she’s about to go through. It’s a rite of passage that helps to prepare her mentally and emotionally for what is surely one of life’s biggest transitions. Sure it’s the mom who carries the baby, gives birth and often does much of the intense infant childcare, but dad’s life is about to change big-time too. The expectant father needs to process this life change as much as the expectant mother, but not necessarily in the same way. He may not have to think about the body changes, hormonal fluctuations and stretch marks ahead, but he does have to think about added financial pressure, sleep deprivation and emotional challenges to come. What dads need, mostly, is to know that his dudes are by his side – that he will always be able to go grab a drink and just feel like one of the guys – even as a family man. Here are the top 5 themes for a “Dadchelor” Party – with invites to match:

Head to the Ball Park You’ve clearly run the bases a few times – the baby is proof of that. So why not head to the park to celebrate the impending arrival of your little all-star. Send out Mixbook’s Baby All-Star invitation and take in a baseball game with your best buds. Go pro with a private box overlooking the field at the local stadium, or simply watch a game at home with pizza and beer. Nothing like a little downtime with old friends to prove that some things never change.

Dinner Out If you love to linger over a meal with good wine or craft beer, now’s the time to schedule a night out at a favorite restaurant with close friends. Let’s just say that over the course of the next year, you’re likely to eat even faster than usual. Something about having a baby around seems to compromise the serenity of mealtime. So do it up, take your time, sit still as long as you can – and enjoy the company of great friends over a great meal. And know that in a decade or so, you’ll do it again! (Kidding. Sort of…)

Baby-Q Even if a backyard barbecue weren’t one of the best inventions of all time (which it clearly is), it would be worth throwing one to celebrate an impending arrival just so you can call it a Baby-Q! Bust out the grill, set out some ice-filled buckets of beer, make the dad-to-be drink every time the subject of diapers comes up – and soak in an afternoon of QT with the guys.

Vegas, Baby! Whether you actually head to Vegas or just host a poker party at home, send out Mixbook’s Casino Night invitation. Play black jack, serve dark liquor, and shoot the breeze with your best buds. As unthreatening as the forum is, you might even be surprised to get some great parenting advice between shuffles.

Keep Calm, Daddy-O For the guy who is either maddeningly undaunted about change – or the guy who’s going a little mad with all that’s on the horizon, Mixbook’s Party On invitation is ideal. Host a celebration at the dad-to-be’s happy place, wherever that may be. Then it’s business as usual: toast, catch up, repeat. 

Happy Mixbooking! Happy Babymoon!

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