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How You Can Help

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As we approach another month of caution and encouraged isolation, we wanted to shed light on how you can help the good fight from home. We’re in this together!

Hopefully, you are home, doing your part in flattening the curve, but there are many people on the frontlines risking their lives for a healthier tomorrow.

There are a number of very important charities and organizations that could use your help to fight the impacts of the Covid-19 virus.

Health Aid

The United Nations Foundation and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation have created the Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund to support the World Health Organization in a global effort to help at-risk countries track the spread of the virus, testing and vaccine development, and protective equipment for medical workers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a foundation and an emergency response fund, which is basically a catchall for giving to local health departments, global response efforts, protective gear for medical workers and general response.

Partners in Health provides long-term, dignified care to patients in developing countries. It will use donations to test more than 200,000 people for coronavirus, help international governments coordinate and help local community health workers find the treatment they need.

Direct Relief has made supply deliveries to the United States, China, the Caribbean, and South America, specifically to help medical professionals protect themselves from the virus.


Feeding America will help local food banks respond to the outbreak.

A lot of children rely on school meals. With school closures, those meals are no longer guaranteed. No Kid Hungry sends emergency grants to food banks and helps communicate with families to make sure they can find a hot meal until schools open again.

Many older and homebound Americans rely on Meals on Wheels, and many local programs are struggling with the additional cost of deliveries during the outbreak. Here is information about local programs and here is where to donate to the national organization. If you want to donate food instead of money, call ahead before you show up to your local food bank.

Local Efforts

The Seattle Foundation is tailoring efforts to help Washington State, one of the worst-hit areas in the country.

In New York City Citymeals is taking donations to help older people, and God’s Love We Deliver is looking for both volunteers and donations to sponsor their emergency meal bags for vulnerable people in the city.

If you know of an elderly neighbor, reach out (safely) and offer your assistance. Grocery stores and other errands may seem very daunting to those at-risk.

Stay safe and please consider helping those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Thank you,


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